Candy Gets Hungry #14: Sushi no Midori Review at Shibuya Mark City - Day 7 in Japan: Shibuya, Tokyo

30 November 2017

Hello minna(everyone)!Another continuation of my Japan trip is finally here! This time I’m dedicating the entire post to a sushi restaurant we visited called Midori Sushi. As this was the only sushi place in our Japan itinerary, I had nothing to compared to but one thing for sure is that Sushi no Midori at Shibuya Mark City definitely checks the affordable-moderate price + super yummy check box.

Although we heard that Midori Sushi was good and pretty popular, I honestly wasn’t prepared to be greeted by a queue half an hour before it’s opening hour. 

Quickly got our number and joined the waiting game

Soon this became my view. Look at the long line of 低头族 HAHAHA. Not sure if there’s been any expansion now, but two years ago during our visit, the shop wasn’t that big and seating arrangements were rather cramped. Despite getting number 22, we didn’t make it for the first seating session. I can’t remember exact figures but I guess we queued for about an hour or less? It wasn’t too bad la, definitely worth the wait. Psst. one of the perks when it comes to travelling in a group is that while my sister and I were starving and queuing, my mom and aunt got to check out the Fancl shop in Shibuya T v T 

When we were finally seated, we were so tempted to order the entire menu lol. In the end we ordered two assorted sushi sets: Various sushi assortment set with soup (800yen), and Ultimate Sushi-assortment set with soup, chawanmushi, and crab-paste salad (2000yen). Other than the two sets with soup, we also ordered some ala-carte 4-pcs sushi, and a hugeeeee chawanmushi. 

Here's a link to their menu(scroll down). 

Told you it was huge. This chawanmushi was literally palm size, perfect to be shared among 3-4 pax. I don't know the price and not even sure if this is even still on the menu LOL. But if you do visit, you could try asking I guess?

My chawanmushi photos are so bad. I'm sorry, I think I'm more suited for eating than photography ahahahaha.

If the size wasn't woooooow enough for you, this happens to be one of the tastiest chawanmushi I've had too. 

Chawanmushi and crab paste salad that came with the 2000yen set. At this point ya’ll must be thinking i'm exaggerating already la but I swear this was the best salad I’ve ever had lol. I think my favourite salad topping is officially crab meat.

I was pretty sure only two sets came with the soup but they gave us 4 bowls. Needless to say I love love love this soup too. 

2,000 yen sushi platter set. (comes with chawanmushi + soup + crab paste salad)

800 yen assorted sushi set. (comes with soup)

Ok, please don’t ask me to describe how happy I felt eating all this sushi hahaha. I don’t exactly know how to describe cloud 9 unless I'm writing fanfiction. I only know that as someone whom is not into raw fish, that was the only day in the past 20 years where I’ve had more than 3 pieces of raw fish entering my system. So if that’s not a good enough reason for you to add this place to your “sushi places to visit” in Japan, I don’t know what is la. At this point we were already very very very full and totally forgot about our 4pcs ala-carte sushi. (they took a while to serve these)

I wonder who ordered all these extrassssss. Most probably me and my "How often do you think we'll get to eat sushi in Japan, go big or go home yo!" 

Ya. Most probably me and my greed la :')

California Roll, 4pcs - Avocado, tuna, crab, flyingfish roe, red leaf lettuce (425yen)

Conger eel and cucumber roll, 4 pcs - Conger eel, cucumber, egg, dried gourd shavings (300yen)

Scallion and Tuna roll "Super negitoro", 4 pcs - fatty tuna & leek (500yen)

Norway Roll, 4pcs - Salmon, Cucumber, crab, red leaf lettuce (400yen)

Red roll, 4 pcs - Salmon, Salmon roe, flyingfish roe, cucumber (400yen) 

Out of the 5, the Red Roll has gotta be my favourite. The shop was so generous with their ikura and the feeling of ikura roe bursting in your mouth is just so so so good! T v T Someone please tell me where can I eat so much ikura at this price in Malaysia T_T

♡ Overall rating: 7.5/10 

Taste: 8.5/10
Waiting time: 4/10
Price: 8/10
Presentation: 6.5/10

Personal recommendations: Red roll, crab paste salad, giant chawanmushi, and any of the assorted sushi sets

Honestly I really loved everything I ate except for the unagi roll. That's because I generally don't enjoy all the tiny edible bones that comes along with the 'unagi package' so yeah. My best advice if you wanna try this place out is to go early and have brunch there like us. That way you don't waste your time queuing for long hours. 

Sushi no Midori has several branches in Japan but here's the address to the one I visited.

Sushi no Midori, Shibuya

Address: 1-12-3, Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Mark city East 4F
Tel: 03-5458-0002
Business hours: 11AM - 10PM

This sums up my review on the one and only place I had sushi in Japan T v T. I will be finishing up my long postponed Japan travelogue real soon, so stay tuned because I have an interesting story on how anime actually helped me out during this Japan trip lolol. 

Previous Japan log:
Day 6: Visiting my dream travel destination - Day 6 in Tokyo, Japan

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