Visiting my dream travel destination - Day 6 in Japan: Tokyo

19 September 2017

Since primary days, before I was introduced to anime or japanese fashion/makeup, and waaaaay before I was introduced to Japanese rock bands, Tokyo has already been on the top of my bucket list for "Cities to visit". Growing up(especially during primary idk why) I would always hear my friends talk about how they spent their year end holiday in Japan. In secondary, I'll hear my cosplay friends talk about their trip to Japan to attend komiket/natsucomi (It's like comic con??). Also in secondary, I'll see friends I met on Tumblr/Twitter/Livejournal share live updates during their trip to Japan to watch Jrock lives. Who knew I'd be lucky enough to spend Christmas in Tokyo with my family. of course one day i still want to see the GazettE live in Japan la ahhaahahah

Continuing from where I left off in my Kanazawa travelogue, we traveled to Tokyo from Kanazawa the next day via Shinkansen.

First thing we did after arriving at Tokyo was to catch a train to Shinjuku station then walk to our hotel. For our stay in Tokyo we were staying at Hyatt Regency Tokyo located at Shinjuku.

 Photo above featuring my sister's leg haih. The rooms were spacious and the beds were comfy too! Similar to the past few hotels, we got connecting rooms as well for our stay in Tokyo.

minibar fridge. I don't know how but apparently the mini bar at that time wasn't cool enough so my ice cream melted. T__T (not in pic)

Can't remember if it was 7-11 or Lawson but there's a 24 hour convenience store on the first floor of the hotel so every night was like 'buy any drink/snacks you want' day.

Overall our stay at all three hotels in Japan was pleasant and cozy. Considering the size for most hotels in Japan, I guess you could say that these hotel rooms were surprisingly larger than what I expected :O

After settling down our luggage, we tried to make our way to Shibuya for dinner.

and we got really really lost. 

Though in the end we managed to make our way to Mark City at Shibuya. (lol 2015.)

We heard good things about this tonkatsu restaurant called Wako @ Mark City Shibuya so we've decided to have dinner here. The price point for this restaurant isn't exactly cheap but still alright compared to what we have in Malaysia, plus my mom's boss recommended this place (i think???) so we had to try haha.

Here's a peak on the menu (pls google for updated menu ^^")

Can't remember which set was it (since they all look the same hahaha) but the main reason we tried this place is because they serve kurobuta here. (google calls it Berkshire pig) so ya. Overall I loved the tonkatsu here so if you want to try the famous kurobuta people talk about, here's a place you could find it. I can't remember which sets we ordered but among the four, one was from their kurobuta selection. That was when I understood why people hype about kurobuta, compared to the regular pork cutlets, the kurobuta one was the more tender choice. 

simply in love with spending Christmas in Japan.

Oh and this is the day I got ffk-ed by a kawan I was suppose to meet in Tokyo hahahahahaha.

So if your friend ffk you in Japan, the trick is to just continue to shop hahahahaha jk. It was such an impromptu plan to meet up so it's ok. When we both got back to Msia all our other kawans got x2 souvenirs from Japan.

So like I mentioned from the chat above that 'we continued to shop at 109' meaning we actually left 109 and went back in to shop til past opening hours. One shop we were shopping in called "Barak" had amazing customer service. The staff was helping us style head to toe and when we've accidentally shopped past opening hours, all the escalators had stopped working, the lady brought us to the staff lift and led us all the way to the staff exit! So nice please Japan customer service T v T

After dinner + shopping at Shibuya 109, we grabbed some snacks at the convenience store at our hotel. I got myself this peach jelly. Something I never find myself ever buying in Malaysia. It's not like they don't sell it here but every time I want to get one, I just can't bring myself to spend RM5 on jelly haha.

Look at all the yummy pieces of peaches T v T

That sums up my first day in Tokyo! By the way, I'm back at Malaysia now and can't wait to finish up this JP travelogue then start my Melbourne travelogue ahahah.

Mentioned locations:

Hyatt Regency Tokyo
2 Chome-7-2 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan

Wako, Mark City Shibuya
Shibuya MARK CITY WEST 4F, 1-12-5 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0043 Japan
Opening hours: 11:00 ~ 23:00 (last order: 22:00)
Tel: 03-5457-1199

Previous Japan log:

Click to see ma03-5457-1199


  1. Omg!! Super dream destination too

  2. I got lost riding on the train too. Haha. I love Shibuya too but didn't get the time to explore the city.

  3. I also want to visit Japan someday and do a big stationary haul LOL! Have you strolled around Ginza?

  4. Oh yeay! love Tokyo especially Asakusa area.

  5. "Something I never find myself ever buying in Malaysia. It's not like they don't sell it here but every time I want to get one, I just can't bring myself to spend RM5 on jelly haha."

    LOL! i know that feeling. When you travel, everything seems like oooo thats nice. But actually we got the same thing back home!

  6. wow. it seems you enjoyed Japan so much. I hope I could go to someday

  7. I miss Japan. But didn't manage to get go to Shibuya 109 last time.

  8. Really had fun reading your entry. Tokyo is top on my list of cities to visit as well. When that will happen, I do not know!

  9. Japan looks so fun. I am planning a trip there next year.

  10. Great post. It seems that you are having a blast there in japan. I will definitely put this on my book mark as my future reference to my next travel visit.

  11. This is my dream country too. I wish to visit there on day and thus i got your posting as my reference :)

  12. I love Tokyo too.. the people are nice and the place is just gorgeous... want to visit again someday.. hopefully


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