Sukiyaki buffet & Japanese pasta - Day 4 in Japan: Staying at hotel Nikko Kanazawa

31 March 2016 Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan

Am so happy that my semester break is here again! Finally able to write about my trip to Kanazawa! After 3 days in Kyoto, we took a shinkansen to Kanazawa in the morning. Even though it was drizzling when we arrived, my frown was instantly replaced with a smile when we got to the hotel. The hotel was actually really near to Kanazawa station and the reason why we got caught under the rain in the first place was because we weren't aware of the underground walkway to the hotel ahaha. (plus we didn't really know where the hotel was located too!) Also there's a pretty nice mall nearby called Forus! 

For our trip at Kanazawa, we stayed at Hotel Nikko Kanazawa. The lobby itself already gave us a good feel and the staffs that attended to our needs were very efficient and polite too! Thumbs up to customer service :') I regret not taking any photos of the lobby though. :(

Similar to the hotel we stayed at in Kyoto, we got connecting rooms again! :D Was super happy to see a bolster on the beds! Even though it's a skinny one haha. 

Even the bathroom area was nice and spacious. This time I didn't have any problems with the shower :) 

Just JP toilet things. Even their toilets are cooler than me lol

Have you ever enjoyed something but couldn't find words to express it? Well, that's my love for Hotel Nikko Kanazawa <3

Throughout and before our Japan trip, we have been monitoring Japan's weather forecast to plan our itinerary properly. Since we already knew that our first day in Kanazawa would be rainy, we opt for more relaxing and indoor activities. Hence, a lot of food :p First meal we had at Kanazawa was at Kamakura Pasta @ Forus. 鎌倉パスタ )

 I ordered this sukiyaki gyuniku pasta which if I did not recall wrongly was a chef recommended dish. Definitely no regrets on this as it tasted really good!

I didn't manage to take a close up shot of the carbonara but it tasted really good too! Unfortunately I can't recall what pasta were the other two. Apart from the part where the top one had some lemon flavour to it. All the pastas on overall were pretty good though! Do pop by to give the sukiyaki pasta  a try if you come across the restaurant :)

Indoor activities...indoor activities...Our main plan for Kanazawa was to go for Shirakawa-go so since day one was rainy, we opt for Myōryū-ji a.k.a Ninja-dera instead. A.K.A again, Ninja Temple. We got there via cab from our hotel and before visiting this temple we had already pre-booked our reservation via the hotel. Since photography is prohibited in this temple, these were the only photos we were able to snap. I think this temple is recommended to those that are interested in traps and historical architectures. What we did was first we had a short briefing of rules and regulations in the hall area then we were given a handbook in english. The reason why we had this handbook was because the tour was a strictly no english translating tour. Nonetheless, it was still quite fascinating to see how ninjas hide from their enemies. There weren't many taxis in that area so after the tour ended, we actually took a pretty long walk to the shop lots that we had passed by during our ride here. Cause shop lots had a higher chance of getting a taxi haha. 

After a quick wash up, we went back to Forus for dinner haha. This time we had a steamboat buffet that also serves snow crabs for an additional cost. The restaurant was call Organic Food Buffet Harvest.

I'd suggest further cooking the snow crab in the sukiyaki broth for a while cause it tastes better that way haha. So happy to sukiyaki in Japan! Glad that it wasn't too big of a difference from the Sukiya in Malaysia!

 I'm not sure if the lights were part of the Christmas illuminations but I have a soft spot for fairy lights!

Best thing I love about Japan is their super cute fun size 'short' cups. Wanted to bring one back as memory though! :( 


  1. Oh! you make me miss kanazawa so much. Love this town so much.I tried sukiyaki here at pavillion kl and it was good too.

  2. OMG wish to attend Japan one day. BTW their culture totally different with us neh :D

  3. By looking at your photos on this post I think I'm in Japan already. Great photos! :D

  4. I can only visit Japan through your blog post! Love the pictures! Take more!!

  5. Kanazawa was in my itinerary when I plan for my Japan trip, but never had the chance to visit that place in the end! Great post :)

  6. Japan is another country that I wanted to visit after Korea! I feel like travelling with you in your blogpost haha :)

  7. such an amazing trip made immortalized and unforgettable with amazing photos... love your pictures and I would love to visit Japan again after this... have only been to TOkyo... sob...

  8. the food look amazing! really want to pay a visit to Japan - just hope that i can free myself from tons of work!!

  9. Food was amazing!! I have more to explore at Japan. There are so many great things at Japan!!

  10. Nice travelog! Loved the place and its photos. Japanese toilets are really so cool!

  11. The hotel look spacious and comfortable. Sukiyaki look nice and fresh too. I want visit Japan.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Haven't been to Japan before, will bookmark this post for my travel reference :)

  14. You seems have enjoyed your stay and it looks amazing and what a great variety of food.

  15. all your pics are amazing. your vacation looks super fun and the food also seems so delicious. i would definitely bring back that starbucks cup.

  16. Japan in my wish list!!! Thx for sharing this with me!!!

    Kolin zainal

  17. OH gosh, looks like a nice hotel to stay in. and the sukiyaki just got me drooling. OMG

  18. the hotel look decent. Ah I miss Japan now!

  19. Place looks wonderful. Japan is definitely in my bucket list

  20. I have a wish to go Japan. Guess it's time to start researching.. Thanks for sharing.

  21. your pictures make me want to go visit Japan again.. omg.

  22. Your picures make me want to go JAPAN tHANKS for the post dear ;)

  23. The place looks wonderful, plus the hotel looks very nice as well. Cheers to the share dear plus the pictures are great :)

  24. Love your images! I am still intrigued with the toilets from Japan.


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